Thursday, December 16, 2010

The medicated child

Last night while staying at the station I watched part of a very disturbing documentary on how over diagnosed the kids in our world are truly becoming. I myself was medicated, and I believe that it was a valid diagnoses of ADHD however I do not believe this happens every time. The kids on this show were being diagnosed with bipolar disorder at the age of 4. I'm not a licensed professional, I have not even thoroughly researched the reasons and side effect of this particular disorder but 4 years old, really? The kid IS 4. I believe the same thing has happened with the diagnosing of childhood adhd, a kid walks into his kindergarten class and can not sit still, the teacher immediately points her finger at him and says "you have adhd" actually no he probably doesn't, what is most likely going on... His underwear are too tight, he had a cookie for breakfast, or maybe just maybe HES ONLY 5 YEARS OLD. I fell like these doctors are jumping to conclusions, and the result of these "conclusions" is 5 to 10 year old kids on 5 or 6 different pills to control side effect after side effect. My opinion? Its out of control.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Theres a place on this side of town

We call it the Station. It's a place where you can hang out with your true friends, not be pressured by the world to have sex, get drunk, or do drugs. True fellowship happens here. Late night talks about girlfriends, college, and life in general are regular occurrences. A party with lots of food is not uncommon. And, of course, on any given day at any given time the Xbox is on playing Halo or watching a movie on Netflix. This is a good place to be, a place I am truly blessed to be able to visit.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A day in the life of...

As you know by the title of this blog I work at Safeway as a bag boy. It isn't the easiest of  jobs, pushing carts through an inch and a half of snow in 10 degree weather with the wind blowing, but its a job, one that i am truly thankful for.

A lot of you may not know this but you can learn a great deal of stuff about a person just by simply bagging their groceries. Ill give you one particular situation that I learned from. I was going along my day bagging groceries a lot like my job description describes, when a lady entered the line with one thing, it was a box of tampons. Now when this particular item was swiped and passed down to me to put in the bag this lady, whom I'm sure is a very nice lady on any other week of the month, said "O I don't need a bag", I made the mistake of asking her if she was "sure". She looked at me with a dazed and somewhat confused look on her face as if too say "did you really just ask that question to a women who is buying something like that?" and boy did she let  me have it. In a very annoyed tone she continued to ask me if i was serious, and if i did indeed just ask her if she was "sure", she asked  me if she looked "unsure", and proceeded to tell me that i should probably NEVER ask a lady if she is sure when buying something like this box of tampons.  She wasnt very quiet about it either.

So what is the lesson i learned that day. When a lady walks up with a box of tampons, ask her little to NO questions about how she is doing or how her week might be going just simply put the item in the bag unless told otherwise. And when a lady comes through your line with a box of tampons and 6 candy bars...well I'm no professional but i strongly suggest not even thinking about opening your mouth.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Playing Catch Up

Wow my life has been crazy this past year. Turning 18, getting a car, and a job, Getting accepted  to college (more on that later) , hanging with friends, paying for gas in your own vehicle, having that vehicle break down and having to pay to get it fixed, o a trip to Canada was thrown in their just for fun. If I could sum up this whole year in three words they would be, "Becoming an adult". And let me tell you something, when I was a kid, like most of us out there, I dreamed one day of becoming a so called "adult" having no bed time, doing what you wanted, being an adult quite literally meant "hakuna matata", no worries. Wow, I believe I was wrong. Adult hood is filled with twists and turns, giving up what you like to do in order to do what you have to do, paying for almost everything yourself, waking up and going to work when you don't really want to, the stress of getting into college, and finally realizing that God ultimately has his plan for you and you don't have a whole lot of control over it. Now I know to most of you reading this it sounds like i may be complaining or whining but let me assure you that i am not. I am simply telling you all something you already know, the truth. 

Over the next couple of weeks I will log my journey of life while I start college and I embark on a WHOLE new chapter of this thing they call life.

Stay tuned.
