Thursday, March 25, 2010

not really a thEory

I'm over in Seattle right now, its been pretty awesome. Two days ago I got to meet up with some friends that i grew up with and we actually got along pretty well it was very cool. I spent the night at the trout house with zac and zach, it was awesome we watched paranormal activity which was a MESSED UP movie just in case you were about to ask, went to the coffee stand and winco... yes it was fuN with a capital n.

today we head back home to idaho then i leave at 6 on saturday morning for my mission trip to mexico which i am very excited about. yo aprendo mucho espanol porque soy un missionario en Tecate, Mexico.

Cant wait. Ill blog more about Seattle, and the gum wall which was pretty awesome, when i get home.

~Cookie Monster

Monday, March 22, 2010

The thEory #5

I realize that i am slacking in the WRITE A-BLOG-A-DAY thing but i have been rather busy. Yesterday, after church, I spent the whole day with my Girlfriend, its not a normal relationship you see because well we have one simple rule "NO kissing anywhere except on the cheek", what do you guys think of this rule just out of curiosity? I really like this girl and my reason behind the rule is this, I want to be an "exception" to everyone around us, we want high school relationship where making out is not the glue that holds us together.

Today was rather uneventful, I cant reveal much just in case the person I'm surprising tomorrow happens to read this but, I took a six hour trip to an undisclosed location to see some family and surprise a certain someone I haven't seen since i was about 10 ha ha it should be fun. The Gum wall Thursday should be lots of fun.

I'm sitting here typing and thinking about all the good restaurants i use to love to go to when i lived in this place, isn't it weird how we always wish we could come back to where we grew up but we know deep down it will never be the same? Which is a good thing i guess, if we never move on we can never GROW UP.
To tell you the truth i have no Yager thEory on this i simply don't know why we long for the things we can not have. So this is my answer and its a really rather simple one.
God made us that way.
~Cookie Monster

Friday, March 19, 2010

The thEory #4 (a)

For all of you who truly read my blog everyday sorry i didnt post one yesterday, we had some issuse here at la casa. So today i will do a double post one to make up for yesterday and 0ne for today.

Yesterday was pretty crazy, we saw a dual/quad engine plane fly over our house about 50 feet over the tree line, we thought it might be crashing so we hopped in the back of my brothers truck and tried to find it, well we couldnt, long story short he ended up getting the truck stuck in a dry creek bed, nearly inaccesible by a full size vehicle. It was not pretty.

I went and saw a documenty at the theater in newport, and I got to see Isreal =D shes awesome, and no its not official yet. Anyways i have to go out and work soon so ill blog later. BYE BYE

~Cookie monster

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The thEory #3

WOOO WOOO!!!! Five people are now following me which means one more month of blogging, thanks guys. Today's subject is on St. Patrick's Day. I love this "holiday", if you can call it that so here are just a few facts about the greenest day of the year, and of course the Yager ThEory on why we have it.

First a little history on the day. Saint Patricks day started as purely a Catholic holiday and became an official feast day sometime in the 1600's. Its was mainly celebrated by the Patron Saints of Ireland, but has grown quickly in popularity, as you all know.

Here is a sweet fact: The original color of Saint Patricks day was BLUE, however green ribbons and shamrocks were worn in celebration of the day as early as the 1700's. It is said the shamrock symbol was used by Saint Patrick to explain the trinity to the pre-christian Irish.

The Question: Why do so many Americans, many of whom have absolutely no tie to the country of Ireland, have no irish ancestors, and have no knowledge/care of what the original Catholic holiday means?

The Yager thEory: yet a simple answer comes to you through my adhd mind, FRIENDS AND BEER. What is better then a cold GREEN beer and a group of friends sitting around a pub talking about anything that may spark in their slightly intoxicated brain? NOTHING. Its a day to wear a bright color and not get looked at funny, if your younger its the green eggs and milk dyed with GREEN food coloring at the lunch table during school. And how on earth could we forget the pinching of the "O SO DULL OF A LIFE" people that dont wear the COLOR.

I love this day so much because of one simple reason, I love the color green and I will wear it proudly today.

Here is my farewell to you. Lads its Saint Patricks Day, you be drinking and smilin and havin a merry old time down at the pub tonight, so while your at it throw a smile to some chap thats alookin a little blue and say "Top of the mornin to ya" and ill betcha they smile straight back.

~Cookie Monster

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The thEory #2

Entry 1 of ?. I have been informed that I spelled MckMama's name wrong in my original post so I'm officially fixing it. *Shazam*, there its fixed. So are you ready for my rant today? So Ive been recently informed that people I'm not going to mention who but there name starts with an "M" and ends with an "ckMamawithoutpity" and quite a few others that i do not know the names of ACTUALLY take the time out of their O SO EXCITING LIVES AS "ADULTS" and make blogs, twitter accounts, and facebook pages just to bash other peoples lives. So here is The Yager thEory on that subject, and its rather quite simple, you 1. either didn't go to high school, and or you didn't get ENOUGH drama there so you have to satisfy your undying need for it over the INTERNET, or number 2. you seriously have NOTHING else to do then to judge other people online. So here is the solution: If you do NOT pay the bills of the house you are judging, DON'T JUDGE. (that's an unofficial copy righted quote by yours truly).

Today i am at the library while G-ran goes to the docs office, then maybe a movie tonight I'm not sure yet.

~cookie monster

Monday, March 15, 2010

The thEory

The Yager ThEory: The more you do one particular thing, the more you will get recognized for it. Example, run one marathon in one day "good for you", run 50 marathons in 50 days "World record". So I'm going to see if the same thing will apply to blogging. I will enter one blog post every day that I'm able to for 1 month about my O SO EXCITING LIFE AS A TEEN, if my followers triple in size, which shouldn't be hard that will bring the grand total to 3, I will blog for another month until my blog either quits growing or I become a famous blogger, like McMamma.

P.S. i like McMamma
P.p.s I don't like people who hate on McMamma