Friday, August 14, 2009


Wow alot has changed since I have blogged last. A 20 day mission trip and CIY MOVE 2009 are the biggest things.

MOVE was amazing this year. It was completely different the food, the free time, a whole new group of friends, and a mostly new youth group.

We had a blast in Oregon, at night the guys would party in the lounge in the boys dorm, and during the day there was never a boring moment. We came closer to each other but more importantly we came closer to God. Giving up idols, breaking or chains, and worshiping Him instead of anything else.

We received a challenge card the deal was that if we opened the challenge card we HAD to do what the card said. So after being warned not to open it being rebellious and all that I opened it.
The card read: You must organize a debate between a christian and an atheist in your church/school.

I'm so excited about this I have a location and a date. Now I need an atheist. This is going to be a big debate. Ive contacted Frank Turek and I plan on contacting Ben Stein hopefully to be guest speakers at this event. God is MOVING more then ever before.

For CIY videos go to YouTube my YouTube name is: 12thman1992
check it out