Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The last month and a half

So my mom says I have to start blogging or she will give me a book report, and I'm NOT doing a book report so here it is.
If you have been reading my blog you would know that I was a lifeguard at a water park, I'm not anymore. July 26Th I left for a one week youth conference called CIY MOVE in Corvallis Oregon, It was amazing. I met some of the coolest people EVER. While I was at this conference i also realized that I wasn't living my life for God. So I quit my job at silverwood for 2 reasons. One, I was so focused on making money that I never gave any of my time to God and number two, when there's over 2000 girls walking around in bikinis you start having lustful eyes, and that was definitely not what God wanted me to have.
Ive also become more involved in my youth group. I actually designed the shirt for it, which should be coming out next week, ya that's pretty exciting.

Last Friday I went to a football game with some friends, and since I use to go to the opposing teams school, some kids didn't like that to much so they were gonna start a fight. It would have been 5 to 1 at least until my buddies showed up. These kids waited until I was on my own because they are chickens. There is more to the story but I don't feel like typing it.

Saturday was a really really bad day for me, if you want details you can read my moms blog.

Now my life is pretty much School, Youth group, and txting(that's where you press buttons on a cell phone and spell out words, for all the "older aged" people who read my blog) Lol well I'm done
Peace Love and Friends