Friday, July 18, 2008

Tweet Tweet Tweet

So pretty much the only reason why I Havent been on here is because im a slacker. Being recently employed as a lifeguard at silverwood, which is toattly awesome by the way, theres not alot of time to do things like say, update your blog but stuff happens. And while we are on the topic, Its the best job around, o and I enjoy going to work... alot of you probably can't say the same Haha. Yep its "prettysweeet" as jessica would say. All I need now is a car and a plastic card that makes it legal for me to drive and I'll be set. Ive finally hit the real world, Amount taken out of first paycheck for taxes: 170 dollars, Gas money repaid to my personal cheffeur to get to work:80$, Working at a waterpark making friends for life, getting a tan and being outside all day: priceless. For everything else theres master card

Peace Out