Thursday, January 27, 2011


Well Ive been at college for 2 weeks now and let me tell you, "It Aint easy".
I was "led" to believe that bible college is easier then most other colleges, its not that anyone actually came out and said it but my assumption was never dashed by the wisdom of those around me. Papers are many, sleep is scarce, and knowledge is plentiful. It harder for one big reason, because it is a seminary school and it isnt that big, you develop a relationship with your professors. You get to know them, you play basketball with them, you go over to their house for Sunday football. So when the time comes for you to turn in your four page paper that they have been asking you for 3 weeks to get done, and you STILL haven't finished it, you feel like you let them down on a personal level. Its not a bad thing its just an interesting variable you dont find in normal colleges and universities.

~Brochacho 171

P.s. That hasn't happened to me... Yet.

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